Carry out Pearson Chi-Square test and compute the Pearson statistic.

chiSq_pearson(object, ...)

# S3 method for renewal
chiSq_pearson(object, ...)

# S3 method for glm
chiSq_pearson(object, ...)



an object from class renewal.


currently not used.


data.frame with 5 columns given the count values (Counts), observed frequencies (Actual), model's prediction (Predicted), the difference (Diff) and the contribution to the Pearson's statistic (Pearson).


The computation is inspired from Cameron(2013) Chapter 5.3.4. Observed and fitted frequencies are computed and the contribution of every observed cell to the Pearson's chi-square test statistic is reported. The idea is to check if the fitted model has a tendancy to over or under predict some ranges of data


Cameron AC, Trivedi PK (2013). Regression Analysis of Count Data, volume 53. Cambridge University Press.

See also