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Find positions of elements for which a function returns TRUE. Optionally, apply another function to the selected elements and return the results along with the positions.


Rdo_locate(object, f = function(x) TRUE, pos_only = TRUE,
           lists = FALSE, fpos = NULL, nested = TRUE)



an Rd object


a function returning TRUE if an element is desired and FALSE otherwise.


if TRUE, return only the positions; if this argument is a function, return also the result of applying the function to the selected element, see Details.


if FALSE, examine only leaves, if TRUE, examine also lists, see Details.


a function with two arguments, object and position, it is called and the value is returned along with the position, see Details.


a logical value, it has effect only when lists is TRUE, see `Details'.


With the default setting of lists = FALSE, the function f is applied to each leave (a character string) of the Rd object. If lists = TRUE the function f is applied also to each branch (a list). In this case, argument nested controls what happens when f returns TRUE. If nested is TRUE, each element of the list is also inspected recursively, otherwise this is not done and, effectively, the list is considered a leaf. If f does not return TRUE, the value of nested has no effect and the elements of the list are inspected.

The position of each object for which f returns TRUE is recorded as a numeric vector.

fpos and pos_only provide two ways to do something with the selected elements. Argument fpos is more powerful than pos_only but the latter should be sufficient and simpler to use in most cases.

If fpos is a function, it is applied to each selected element with two arguments, object and the position, and the result returned along with the position. In this case argument pos_only is ignored. If fpos is NULL the action depends on pos_only.

If pos_only = TRUE, Rdo_locate returns a list of such vectors (not a matrix since the positions of the leaves are, in general, at different depths).

If pos_only is a function, it is applied to each selected element and the result returned along with the position.


a list with one entry for each selected element. Each entry is a numeric vector or a list with two elements:


the position, a vector of positive integers,


the result of applying the function to the element at pos.


Georgi N. Boshnakov


The following needs additional thought.

In some circumstances an empty list, tagged with Rd_tag may turn up, e.g. list() with Rd_tag="\dots" in an \arguments section.

On the one hand this is a list. On the other hand it may be considered a leaf. It is not clear if any attempt to recurse into such a list should be made at all.

See also

Rdo_sections and Rdo_locate_core_section which locate top level sections


# todo: put examples here!