Get the text of the usage section of Rd documentation
Get the text of the usage section of Rd documentation.
If rdo
is a string, it is parsed to obtain an Rd object.
The content of section "\usage
" is extracted and converted to string.
todo: get_usage_text
can be generalised to any Rd section but it is
better to use a different approach since print.Rd()
does not
take care for some details (escaping %, for example). Also, the
functions that use this one assume that it returns R code, which
may not be the case if the usage section contains Rd comments.
## get the Rd object documenting Rdo_macro
#h <- utils::help("Rdo_macro", lib.loc = .libPaths())
#rdo <- utils:::.getHelpFile(h)
rdo <- Rdo_fetch("Rdo_macro", "Rdpack")
# extract the usage section and print it:
ut <- get_usage_text(rdo)
cat(ut, sep = "\n")
#> Rdo_macro(x, name)
#> Rdo_macro1(x, name)
#> Rdo_macro2(x, y, name)
#> Rdo_item(x, y)
#> Rdo_sigitem(x, y, newline = TRUE)