Creates a unique file by concatenating several output files associated to one set of parameters.

ConcatFiles(files, sep_ = ",", outfile, headers_ = TRUE,



character Vector containing the files name to be concatenated. See details.


Field separator character to be used in function read.csv() and write.table(). Values on each line of the file are separated by this character; It can also be a vector character (same length as files) if different separators are useed for each file; default: ","


Name of the output file; character


Vector of boolean of length 1 or same length as files to indicate for each file if the header argument is to be considered or not. To be passed to function read.csv().


if outfile exists, it will be deleted and recreated (over-written).


The files to be concatenated should be related to the same set of parameters alpha and beta. The function stops if one of the file contains 2 (or more) different set of parameters (the function compares the values of columns 1 and 2 row by row) or if the set of parameters within one file is different from the one from other files.


Returns an output file outfile saved in the working directory.

See also