setAs methods in package sarima
Methods for as() in package sarima.
This section shows the methods for converting objects from one class
to another, defined via setAs()
. Use as(obj, "classname")
to convert object obj
to class "classname".
signature(from = "ANY", to = "Autocorrelations")
signature(from = "ANY", to = "ComboAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "ANY", to = "ComboAutocovariances")
signature(from = "ANY", to = "PartialAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "ANY", to = "PartialAutocovariances")
signature(from = "ANY", to = "PartialVariances")
signature(from = "ArmaSpec", to = "list")
signature(from = "Autocorrelations", to = "ComboAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "Autocorrelations", to = "ComboAutocovariances")
signature(from = "Autocovariances", to = "ComboAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "Autocovariances", to = "ComboAutocovariances")
signature(from = "BJFilter", to = "SPFilter")
signature(from = "numeric", to = "BJFilter")
Convert a numeric vector to a BJFilter object. This is a way to state that the coefficients follow the Box-Jenkins convention for the signs, see the examples.
signature(from = "numeric", to = "SPFilter")
Convert a numeric vector to an SPFilter object. This is a way to state that the coefficients follow the signal processing (SP) convention for the signs, see the examples.
signature(from = "PartialVariances", to = "Autocorrelations")
signature(from = "PartialVariances", to = "Autocovariances")
signature(from = "PartialVariances", to = "ComboAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "PartialVariances", to = "ComboAutocovariances")
signature(from = "SarimaFilter", to = "ArmaFilter")
signature(from = "SarimaModel", to = "list")
signature(from = "SPFilter", to = "BJFilter")
signature(from = "vector", to = "Autocorrelations")
signature(from = "vector", to = "Autocovariances")
signature(from = "vector", to = "PartialAutocorrelations")
signature(from = "vector", to = "PartialAutocovariances")
signature(from = "VirtualArmaFilter", to = "list")
signature(from = "VirtualSarimaModel", to = "ArmaModel")
## the default for ARMA model is BJ for ar and SP for ma:
mo <- new("ArmaModel", ar = 0.9, ma = 0.4, sigma2 = 1)
#> $ar
#> 1 - 0.9*x
#> $ma
#> 1 + 0.4*x
## here we declare explicitly that 0.4 uses the SP convention
## (not necessary, the result is the same, but the intention is clear).
mo1 <- new("ArmaModel", ar = 0.9, ma = as(0.4, "SPFilter"), sigma2 = 1)
#> $ar
#> 1 - 0.9*x
#> $ma
#> 1 + 0.4*x
identical(mo, mo1) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
## if the sign of theta follows the BJ convention, this can be stated unambiguously.
## This creates the same model:
mo2 <- new("ArmaModel", ar = 0.9, ma = as(-0.4, "BJFilter"), sigma2 = 1)
#> $ar
#> 1 - 0.9*x
#> $ma
#> 1 + 0.4*x
identical(mo, mo2) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
## And this gives the intended model whatever the default conventions:
ar3 <- as(0.9, "BJFilter")
ma3 <- as(-0.4, "BJFilter")
mo3 <- new("ArmaModel", ar = ar3, ma = ma3, sigma2 = 1)
#> $ar
#> 1 - 0.9*x
#> $ma
#> 1 + 0.4*x
identical(mo, mo3) ## TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
## The coefficients can be extracted in any particular form,
## e.g. to pass them to functions with specific requirements:
modelCoef(mo3) # coefficients of the model with the default (BD) sign convention
#> $ar
#> [1] 0.9
#> $ma
#> [1] 0.4
modelCoef(mo3, convention = "BD") # same result
#> $ar
#> [1] 0.9
#> $ma
#> [1] 0.4
modelCoef(mo3, convention = "SP") # signal processing convention
#> $ar
#> [1] -0.9
#> $ma
#> [1] 0.4
## for ltsa::tacvfARMA() the convention is BJ, so:
co <- modelCoef(mo3, convention = "BJ") # Box-Jenkins convention
ltsa::tacvfARMA(co$ar, co$ma, maxLag = 6, sigma2 = 1)
#> [1] 9.894737 9.305263 8.374737 7.537263 6.783537 6.105183 5.494665
autocovariances(mo3, maxlag = 6) ## same
#> An object of class "Autocovariances"
#> Lag_0 Lag_1 Lag_2 Lag_3 Lag_4 Lag_5 Lag_6
#> 9.894737 9.305263 8.374737 7.537263 6.783537 6.105183 5.494665