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Print "timeSeries" objects.


# S4 method for timeSeries

# S3 method for timeSeries
print(x, FinCenter = NULL, format = NULL,
    style = c("tS", "h", "ts"), by = c("month", "quarter"), ...)



an object of class "timeSeries".


a character with the the location of the financial center named as "continent/city".


the format specification of the input character vector, a character string with the format in POSIX notation.


a character string, one of "tS", "h", or "ts".


a character string, one of "month", "quarter".


arguments passed to the print method for the data part, which is a "matrix" or, in the case of style = "ts", to the print method for class "ts".


show does not have additional arguments.

The print method allows to modify the way the object is shown by explicitly calling print.

The default for style is tS. For univariate time series style = "h" causes the object to be printed as a vector with the time stamps as labels. Finally, style = "ts" prints like objects from base R class "ts", which is suitable for quarterly and monthly time series.


Prints an object of class timeSeries.


## Load Micsrosoft Data
setRmetricsOptions(myFinCenter = "GMT")
LPP <- MSFT[1:12, 1:4]

## Abbreviate Column Names
colnames(LPP) <- abbreviate(colnames(LPP), 6)
## Print Data Set
#> GMT 
#>               Open    High     Low   Close
#> 2000-09-27 63.4375 63.5625 59.8125 60.6250
#> 2000-09-28 60.8125 61.8750 60.6250 61.3125
#> 2000-09-29 61.0000 61.3125 58.6250 60.3125
#> 2000-10-02 60.5000 60.8125 58.2500 59.1250
#> 2000-10-03 59.5625 59.8125 56.5000 56.5625
#> 2000-10-04 56.3750 56.5625 54.5000 55.4375
#> 2000-10-05 55.5000 57.2500 55.2500 55.3750
#> 2000-10-06 55.8125 56.7500 54.7500 55.5625
#> 2000-10-09 55.6250 55.7500 53.0000 54.1875
#> 2000-10-10 53.9375 55.5625 53.8125 54.5625
#> 2000-10-11 54.0000 56.9375 54.0000 55.7500
#> 2000-10-12 56.3125 56.8750 53.8125 54.3750
## Alternative Use, Show Data Set
LPP  # equivalently, show(LPP)
#> GMT 
#>               Open    High     Low   Close
#> 2000-09-27 63.4375 63.5625 59.8125 60.6250
#> 2000-09-28 60.8125 61.8750 60.6250 61.3125
#> 2000-09-29 61.0000 61.3125 58.6250 60.3125
#> 2000-10-02 60.5000 60.8125 58.2500 59.1250
#> 2000-10-03 59.5625 59.8125 56.5000 56.5625
#> 2000-10-04 56.3750 56.5625 54.5000 55.4375
#> 2000-10-05 55.5000 57.2500 55.2500 55.3750
#> 2000-10-06 55.8125 56.7500 54.7500 55.5625
#> 2000-10-09 55.6250 55.7500 53.0000 54.1875
#> 2000-10-10 53.9375 55.5625 53.8125 54.5625
#> 2000-10-11 54.0000 56.9375 54.0000 55.7500
#> 2000-10-12 56.3125 56.8750 53.8125 54.3750

## a short subseries to demo 'print'
hC <- head(MSFT[ , "Close"])
#> [1] "timeSeries"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "timeSeries"
#> GMT 
#>              Close
#> 2000-09-27 60.6250
#> 2000-09-28 61.3125
#> 2000-09-29 60.3125
#> 2000-10-02 59.1250
#> 2000-10-03 56.5625
#> 2000-10-04 55.4375
print(hC, style = "h")
#> 2000-09-27 2000-09-28 2000-09-29 2000-10-02 2000-10-03 2000-10-04 
#>    60.6250    61.3125    60.3125    59.1250    56.5625    55.4375