Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 10.
One data set used in chapter 10 is also used earlier: 'm.ibmsp2699' is the first 2 of the 4 columns of 'm.ibmsp2699ln' used in chapter 8.
The other data sets used in chapter 10 are as follows:
d.hkja zoo object giving the daily log returns of HK and Japan market indices from 1996-01-01 through 1997-05-05 (used in Example 10.1).
m.pfe6503, m.mrk6503 zoo objects giving the monthly simple returns including dividends of Pfizer and Merk stocks.
d.spcscointc data.frame giving 2275 daily log returns of three items from January 2, 1991 through December 31, 1999:
SP500Standard & Poor's 500 index
CiscoCisco stock
IntelIntel stock