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Converts f_usage objects to text appropriate for usage sections in Rd files. Handles S3 methods.


deparse_usage1(x, width = 72)
# S3 method for f_usage
as.character(x, ... )



an object from class "f_usage". For deparse_usage, x can also be a list of "f_usage" objects.


maximal width of text on a line.




Both, deparse_usage1 and the as.character method for class "f_usage", convert an "f_usage" object to a character string suitable for Rd documentation. The as.character method is the user level function (it just calls deparse_usage1), deparse_usage1 is internal function for programming. In the example below the first command creates an "f_usage" object, then the second converts it to character string.

(a <- pairlist2f_usage1(formals(cor), "cor"))
##: name      = cor 
##: S3class   =  
##: S4sig     =  
##: infix     = FALSE 
##: fu        = TRUE 
##: argnames  = x y use method 
##: defaults  : y = NULL 
##:             use = "everything" 
##:             method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") cat(as.character(a))
##: cor(x, y = NULL, use = "everything", 
##:     method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"))

Each usage entriy is formatted and, if necessary, split over several lines. The width (number of characters) on a line can be changed with argument width.

deparse_usage can be used when x is a list of "f_usage" objects. It calls deparse_usage1 with each of them and returns a character vector with one element for each component of x. When x is an object from class "f_usage", deparse_usage is equivalent to deparse_usage1.


For deparse_usage1 and as.character.f_usage, a named character vector of length one (the name is the function name).

For deparse_usage, a named character vector with one entry for the usage text for each function.


Georgi N. Boshnakov


cur_wd <- getwd()
tmpdir <- tempdir()

## prepare a list of "f_usage" objects
fnseq <- reprompt(seq)            # get and save the help page of "seq"
#> Rd source not supplied, looking for installed documentation.
#> Installed documentation found, processing it...
#> 	The Rd content was written to file  seq.Rd 
rdoseq <- tools::parse_Rd(fnseq)  # parse the Rd file
ut <- get_usage_text(rdoseq)      # get the contents of the usage section
cat(ut, "\n")                     #     of seq() (a character string)
#> seq(\dots)
#> \method{seq}{default}(from = 1, to = 1, by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)),
#>     length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, \dots)
#>, to, by, length.out, along.with, \dots)
#> seq_along(along.with)
#> seq_len(length.out) 
utp <- parse_usage_text(ut)       # parse to a list of "f_usage" objects

## deparse the "f_usage" list - each statement gets a separate string
cat(deparse_usage(utp), sep = "\n")
#> seq(\dots)
#> \method{seq}{default}(from = 1, to = 1, by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)), 
#>     length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, \dots)
#>, to, by, length.out, along.with, \dots)
#> seq_along(along.with)
#> seq_len(length.out)

## explore some of the usage entries individually;
## the generic seq() has a boring signature
#> name      = seq 
#> S3class   =  
#> S4sig     =  
#> infix     = FALSE 
#> fu        = TRUE 
#> argnames  = ... 
#>           seq 
#> "seq(\\dots)" 
deparse_usage1(utp[[1]])  # same
#>           seq 
#> "seq(\\dots)" 

## the default S3 method is more interesting
#> name      = seq 
#> S3class   = default 
#> S4sig     =  
#> infix     = FALSE 
#> fu        = TRUE 
#> argnames  = from to by length.out along.with ... 
#> defaults  : from = 1 
#>             to = 1 
#>             by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)) 
#>             length.out = NULL 
#>             along.with = NULL 
#> \method{seq}{default}(from = 1, to = 1, by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)), 
#>     length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, \dots)
cat(as.character(utp[[2]]))   # same
#> \method{seq}{default}(from = 1, to = 1, by = ((to - from)/(length.out - 1)), 
#>     length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, \dots)
