Parses the file saved by Estim_Simulation and re-creates a summary list identical to the one produced by Estim_Simulation when StatSummary is set to TRUE.

ComputeStatObjectFromFiles(files, sep_ = ",",
                           FctsToApply = StatFcts,



character vector containing the files name to be parsed. See Details.


field separator character to be used in function read.csv() and write.table(). Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. It can also be a character vector (same length as files) if different separators are used for each file; default: ",".


functions used to produce the statistical summary. See Estim_Simulation; character vector.


boolean vector of length 1 or same length as files to indicate for each file if the header argument is to be considered or not. To be passed to function read.csv().


index of the file from which the sample sizes are determined; default 1 (from first file in files).


logical flag: if set to TRUE, an estimation is declared failed if the squared error of the estimation is larger than tolFailCheck; default TRUE.


tolerance on the squared error of the estimation to be declared failed; default = 1.5.


number of Monte Carlo simulation for each couple of parameter, default = 1000; integer.


other arguments to be passed to the estimation function. See Estim_Simulation.


The same sample sizes are assumed for all the files and we also assume a different set of parameters (alpha,beta) within each file (one and one only).

This function is particularly useful when simulations are run in parallel on different computers/CPUs and the output files are collected afterwards. This function is also used to create the Latex summary table: see TexSummary.

Some examples are provided in the example folder.


a list of length 4 containing a summary matrix object associated to each parameter.

See also