Creates a TeX table from a summary object or a vector of files.

TexSummary(obj, files = NULL, sep_ = ",", FctsToApply = StatFcts,
           caption = "Statistical Summary", label = "Simtab",
           digits = 3, par_index = 1, MCparam = 1000, ...)



list of length 4 containing a summary matrix object associated to each parameter identical to the one produced by function ComputeStatObjectFromFiles.


character vector containing the files name to be parsed. It will be passed to function ComputeStatObjectFromFiles.


field separator character to be passed to function ComputeStatObjectFromFiles.


functions used to produce the statistical summary to be passed to the function ComputeStatObjectFromFiles.


character vector with length equal to length(par_index) containing the table's caption or title.


character vector with length equal to length(par_index) containing the LaTeX label.


numeric vector of length equal to one (in which case it will be replicated as necessary) or to the number of columns of the resulting table or length of FctsToApply or matrix of the same size as the resulting table indicating the number of digits to display in the corresponding columns. See xtable.


numeric or character vector of length 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the desired indices to be selected in obj. See Details.


number of Monte Carlo simulations for each couple of parameters, default = 1000; integer.


other arguments to be passed to function ComputeStatObjectFromFiles.


Accepted values for par_index are c(1,2,3,4) or c("alpha","beta","gamma","delta") or mixed.

Some examples are provided in the example folder.


a list of length length(par_index) whose elements are objects from class Latex (produced by toLatex)