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Read and write bibentry files.


readBibentry(file, extra = FALSE, fbibentry = NULL)

writeBibentry(be, file, style = c("Rstyle", "loose"))



a bibentry object.


filename, a character string.


if TRUE allow non-standard bibtex types.


if "Rstyle" (default), wrap in c(), otherwise don't wrap and don't put commas between the entries, see Details section.


a function to use for generating bib objects instead of bibentry().


These functions read/write bibentry objects from/to R source files. Two styles are supported. "Rstyle" is the format used by print(be, style = "R"), which writes the bibentry calls as a comma separated sequence wrapped in c(). Style "loose" writes the entries without separators and no wrapping.

writeBibentry writes the object to the specified file in the requested style (default is "Rstyle").

readBibentry reads the file and creates a bibentry object. It doesn't have argument for style, since that is inferred from the contents of the file.

bibentry() calls that throw errors are not included in the returned object. The errors are intercepted and converted to warnings, identifying the corresponding bibentry() calls by their keys, if present (otherwise the text of the whole bibentry is shown).


for writeBibentry, NULL (invisibly)

for readBibentry, a bibentry object with the keys as names


Georgi n. Boshnakov

See also

readBib and writeBib for reading/writing bib files,



bibs <- readBib(system.file("REFERENCES.bib", package = "rbibutils"),
                encoding = "UTF-8")
fn <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib")

writeBibentry(bibs, file = fn) # style = "Rstyle" (default)
cat(readLines(fn), sep = "\n")
#> c(bibentry(bibtype = "Manual",
#>            key = "Rpackage:bibtex",
#>            author = person(given = "Romain",
#>                            family = "Francois"),
#>            title = "bibtex: bibtex parser",
#>            year = "2014",
#>            note = "R package version 0.4.0"),
#>   bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>            key = "Rpackage:Rdpack",
#>            author = person(given = c("Georgi", "N"),
#>                            family = "Boshnakov"),
#>            title = "{\\{}Rdpack{\\}}: Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects",
#>            year = "2020",
#>            note = "R package version 2.0.0",
#>            doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3925612",
#>            url = ""),
#>   bibentry(bibtype = "Article",
#>            key = "Rpackage:RefManageR",
#>            author = person(given = c("Mathew", "William"),
#>                            family = "McLean"),
#>            title = "RefManageR: Import and Manage BibTeX and BibLaTeX References in R",
#>            journal = "The Journal of Open Source Software",
#>            year = "2017",
#>            doi = "10.21105/joss.00338",
#>            url = ""),
#>   bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>            key = "bibutils6.10",
#>            author = person(given = "Chris",
#>                            family = "Putnam"),
#>            title = "Library bibutils, version 6.10",
#>            year = "2020",
#>            url = ""),
#>   bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>            key = "Rpackage:easyPubMed",
#>            author = person(given = "Damiano",
#>                            family = "Fantini"),
#>            title = "easyPubMed: Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed",
#>            year = "2019",
#>            note = "R package version 2.13",
#>            url = ""))

writeBibentry(bibs, file = fn, style = "loose")
cat(readLines(fn), sep = "\n")
#> bibentry(bibtype = "Manual",
#>          key = "Rpackage:bibtex",
#>          author = person(given = "Romain",
#>                          family = "Francois"),
#>          title = "bibtex: bibtex parser",
#>          year = "2014",
#>          note = "R package version 0.4.0")
#> bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>          key = "Rpackage:Rdpack",
#>          author = person(given = c("Georgi", "N"),
#>                          family = "Boshnakov"),
#>          title = "{\\{}Rdpack{\\}}: Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects",
#>          year = "2020",
#>          note = "R package version 2.0.0",
#>          doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3925612",
#>          url = "")
#> bibentry(bibtype = "Article",
#>          key = "Rpackage:RefManageR",
#>          author = person(given = c("Mathew", "William"),
#>                          family = "McLean"),
#>          title = "RefManageR: Import and Manage BibTeX and BibLaTeX References in R",
#>          journal = "The Journal of Open Source Software",
#>          year = "2017",
#>          doi = "10.21105/joss.00338",
#>          url = "")
#> bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>          key = "bibutils6.10",
#>          author = person(given = "Chris",
#>                          family = "Putnam"),
#>          title = "Library bibutils, version 6.10",
#>          year = "2020",
#>          url = "")
#> bibentry(bibtype = "Misc",
#>          key = "Rpackage:easyPubMed",
#>          author = person(given = "Damiano",
#>                          family = "Fantini"),
#>          title = "easyPubMed: Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed",
#>          year = "2019",
#>          note = "R package version 2.13",
#>          url = "")
