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Simulate trajectories of seasonal arima models.


sim_sarima(model, n = NA, rand.gen = rnorm, n.start = NA, x, eps,
           xcenter = NULL, xintercept = NULL, ...)



specification of the model, a list or a model object, see `Details'.


random number generator for the innovations.


length of the time series.


number of burn-in observations.


initial/before values of the time series, a list, a numeric vector or time series, see Details.


initial/before values of the innovations, a list or a numeric vector, see Details.


non-constant intercept which may represent trend or covariate effects.


currently ignored.


additional arguments for arima.sim and rand.gen, see `Details'.


The model can be specified by a model object, e.g., from class SarimaModel. It can also be a list with elements suitable to be passed to new("SarimaModel", ...), see the description of class "SarimaModel". Here are some of the possible components:


number of seasons in a year (or whatever is the larger time unit)


order of differencing, specifies the factor \((1-B)^{d1}\) for the model.


order of seasonal differencing, specifies the factor \((1-B^{period})^{ds}\) for the model.


ar parameters (non-seasonal)


ma parameters (non-seasonal)


seasonal ar parameters


seasonal ma parameters

Additional arguments for rand.gen may be specified via the "..." argument. In particular, the length of the generated series is specified with argument n. Arguments for rand.gen can also be passed via the "..." argument.

If the model is stationary the generated time series is stationary starting with the first value. In particular, there is no need for a ‘warm-up’ period.

Information about the model is printed on the screen if info = "print". To suppress this, set info to any other value.

For multple simulations with the same (or almost the same) setup, it is better to execute prepareSimSarima once and call the function returned by it as many times as needed.


an object of class "ts", a simulated time series from the given model


Georgi N. Boshnakov


require("PolynomF") # guaranteed to be available since package "sarima" imports it.
#> Loading required package: PolynomF

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ma=0.8))               # MA(1)
x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ar=0.8))               # AR(1)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ar=c(rep(0,11),0.8)))  # SAR(1), 12  seasons
x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ma=c(rep(0,11),0.8)))  # SMA(1)

                                  # more enlightened SAR(1) and SMA(1)
x <- sim_sarima(n=144,model=list(sar=0.8, nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))  # SAR(1), 12 seasons
x <- sim_sarima(n=144,model=list(sma=0.8, nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))  # SMA(1)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(iorder=1, sigma2 = 1)) # (1-B)X_t = e_t (random walk)


x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(iorder=2, sigma2 = 1))  # (1-B)^2 X_t = e_t
x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1)) # (1-B)^{12} X_t = e_t

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(iorder=1, siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))
x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ma=0.4, iorder=1, siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))
x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ma=0.4, sma=0.7, iorder=1, siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ar=c(1.2,-0.8), ma=0.4,
                                    sar=0.3, sma=0.7, iorder=1, siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1))

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(iorder=1, siorder=1,
                                    nseasons=12, sigma2 = 1),
                x = list(init=AirPassengers[1:13]))

p <- polynom(c(1,-1.2,0.8))
#> [1] 0.75-0.8291562i 0.75+0.8291562i
#> [1] 1.118034 1.118034

sim_sarima(n=144, model = list(ar=c(1.2,-0.8), ma=0.4, sar=0.3, sma=0.7,
                               iorder=1, siorder=1, nseasons=12))
#>   [1]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
#>   [6]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
#>  [11]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
#>  [16]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
#>  [21]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
#>  [26]    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.1724162    1.8191105    4.4951421
#>  [31]    7.7565445   11.4980009   12.6423926    9.8891186    6.9972791
#>  [36]    4.8772707    3.5041348    3.9426081    7.5538477   12.0052028
#>  [41]   16.0912819   18.4013656   21.8425941   27.3745515   27.1230466
#>  [46]   19.2559338   13.2075814   11.0343077   11.7294921   15.1923258
#>  [51]   23.6960551   33.4628693   40.7847508   43.0180781   46.1361142
#>  [56]   51.1640328   47.3970227   34.0316649   25.1417253   23.0349050
#>  [61]   27.6035443   35.9087677   48.8440147   60.5553281   66.7411521
#>  [66]   65.1774147   64.4136176   65.6475543   58.9513993   42.9666951
#>  [71]   33.3288394   32.4003219   39.9719180   52.7790921   70.9891916
#>  [76]   84.1398829   87.5740936   79.7507837   70.4716697   63.4703631
#>  [81]   52.8261267   37.1946893   30.3301536   33.7707998   44.0232098
#>  [86]   56.9964641   72.6333310   81.0005855   80.0381422   69.4874834
#>  [91]   56.1410554   42.5697739   25.6724533    7.4528564    1.2950855
#>  [96]   10.8833122   28.4799076   44.6569911   57.1675387   59.0741944
#> [101]   51.3925223   35.5015748   16.9311209   -1.3164451  -20.8773496
#> [106]  -36.9635997  -38.1281286  -21.1657024    2.8171803   21.0717162
#> [111]   31.1198506   27.7276406   16.2040795   -2.5995738  -23.9848763
#> [116]  -45.4596366  -66.4651792  -80.3087614  -75.9940561  -51.7663846
#> [121]  -23.9730144   -7.8511855   -3.8292833  -15.2040259  -29.5410071
#> [126]  -45.7776925  -62.3336774  -81.4535313 -102.9191513 -119.3549942
#> [131] -116.3438834  -89.8340741  -59.3806523  -41.3307688  -36.4498937
#> [136]  -51.2301545  -69.7100193  -88.3789172 -103.2578737 -117.5078036
#> [141] -132.6115490 -144.8983306 -140.0161477 -113.7587376

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(ma=0.4, iorder=1, siorder=1, nseasons=12))
acf(x, lag.max=48)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(sma=0.4, iorder=1, siorder=1, nseasons=12))
acf(x, lag.max=48)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(sma=0.4, iorder=0, siorder=0, nseasons=12))
acf(x, lag.max=48)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(sar=0.4, iorder=0, siorder=0, nseasons=12))
acf(x, lag.max=48)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(sar=-0.4, iorder=0, siorder=0, nseasons=12))
acf(x, lag.max=48)

x <- sim_sarima(n=144, model=list(ar=c(1.2, -0.8), ma=0.4, sar=0.3, sma=0.7,
                                  iorder=1, siorder=1, nseasons=12))
## use xintercept to include arbitrary trend/covariates
sim_sarima(n = 144, model = list(sma = 0.4, ma = 0.4, sar = 0.8, ar = 0.5, 
    nseasons = 12, sigma2 = 1), xintercept = 1:144)
#>   [1]  -2.1461016  -1.4891387  -0.4078933   2.2886570   0.6755563  -0.3102220
#>   [7]  -0.8142428  -0.9689355  -3.5960172  -3.1248383  -2.6062497  -2.8400135
#>  [13]  -2.1256047  11.9094415  19.7567539  28.5178831  30.0438121  33.5759352
#>  [19]  35.4122264  36.8401710  36.5895983  38.2088620  39.7584226  43.0043981
#>  [25]  45.8327279  58.2397101  65.7340500  74.9334957  76.8157773  82.4298005
#>  [31]  87.5226703  91.6669206  94.2428586  97.2973871  99.5370678 105.3780248
#>  [37] 109.5190590 120.7336107 128.8949223 137.1487882 138.6252715 145.5954941
#>  [43] 152.6091945 158.9040716 165.7149108 171.0091528 173.3630452 181.7217368
#>  [49] 187.9540497 197.4574229 204.4537625 212.0634804 214.1714191 220.8593514
#>  [55] 226.9397476 234.7625188 242.7476025 250.8789981 253.6823932 264.4878770
#>  [61] 271.7631993 278.9931238 286.1764589 293.7123641 298.2367433 308.2717398
#>  [67] 314.1801728 322.0563573 330.6252158 339.9172093 343.7181023 355.4614569
#>  [73] 362.4713701 371.0649804 379.0994767 386.6083913 393.6681186 403.5215265
#>  [79] 408.7359517 416.7860551 425.5312845 434.5839601 438.0941003 448.6127197
#>  [85] 458.0702276 469.2617365 478.4345738 486.8826292 493.4465134 501.3432968
#>  [91] 506.8039153 516.0017700 525.2290142 534.9759370 538.8131544 550.3558302
#>  [97] 559.7974928 568.8627353 577.1182670 586.1986237 593.2753396 601.3631821
#> [103] 610.1223290 622.4949412 632.4467767 641.4825570 644.8896431 656.6533666
#> [109] 667.2467434 673.9915671 682.4763849 689.6972364 697.3010446 708.1278366
#> [115] 717.8402720 730.7457609 739.9243523 748.8903377 752.3582050 762.3901845
#> [121] 773.4121774 780.4905820 790.3725771 798.4905145 809.7143811 821.0743213
#> [127] 829.3444613 839.5700103 847.1976702 855.9355059 862.3534774 872.3205948
#> [133] 881.9431626 887.5647498 898.9524857 908.2990875 920.6832114 932.9809209
#> [139] 941.6063657 950.3792157 959.2521852 969.0425863 975.4049226 984.2753883