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Generic function with methods for fitting periodic time series models.


fitPM( model, x, ...)



the time series.


a periodic model, see Details.


further arguments to be passed on to individual methods.


This is a generic function.

model provides the specification of the model. In particular, the class of model determines what model is fitted. Specific values of the parameters are generally ignored by non-iterative methods but some methods can handle more detailed specifications, see the individual methods.


the fitted model, typically an object of class class(model)


signature(model = "ANY", x = "ANY")

This is the default method. It simply exits with an error message stating that fitPM does not have a method for the model specified by model.

signature(model = "numeric", x = "ANY")

Fits a PAR model to x. model should be a vector of non-negative integers giving the PAR order. The length of this vector is taken to be the number of seasons.

This is a convenience method. It constructs a PAR model and callls the method for model = "PeriodicArModel".

signature(model = "PeriodicArModel", x = "ANY")

Fits a PAR model.

signature(model = "mcSpec", x = "ANY")

Fits a periodic model according to the specification given by model.

Currently this method uses to set up the optimisation environment and then calls one of the optimisation functions in that environment as specified by argument optim.method, see below.

Additional arguments may be specified to control the optimisation.

Argument init can be used to give initial values. It is passed on to (and so has the format required by it).

optim.method is the name of an optimisation function in the environment returned by The default is optim.method = "minim", which is based on the standard R function optim. Alternatives are "minimBB" or "minimBBLU". All this needs to be documented but see and for details.

Further arguments are passed on to the optimisation method. A typical argument supported by most optimisation functions is control.

signature(model = "PiPeriodicArModel", x = "ANY")

Fits a periodically integrated PAR model using the parameters of model as initial values. Calls pclspiar to do the actual work.

signature(model = "SiPeriodicArModel", x = "ANY")

Fits a seasonally integrated PAR model.

signature(model = "PeriodicArModel", x = "PeriodicMTS")

signature(model = "PeriodicArModel", x = "PeriodicTS")


(todo: to be completed properly later)

Hipel KW, McLeod AI (1994). Time series modelling of water resources and environmental systems, Developments in water science; 45. London; Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Boshnakov GN, Iqelan BM (2009). “Generation of time series models with given spectral properties.” J. Time Series Anal., 30(3), 349--368. ISSN 0143-9782, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9892.2009.00617.x .


Georgi N. Boshnakov


## newm1 <- list(phi = matrix(1:12, nrow=4), p=rep(3,4), period=4, si2 = rep(1,4))
## new_pfm1 <- PeriodicFilterModel(newm1, intercept=0)

## generate some data;
simts1 <- pcts(rnorm(1024), nseasons = 4)

fitPM(c(3,3,3,3), simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1          ar2          ar3
#> S1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#> S2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#> S3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#> S4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 
fitPM(3, simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1          ar2          ar3
#> S1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#> S2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#> S3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#> S4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 
## the fit on the underlying data is equivalent.
fitPM(c(3,3,3,3), as.numeric(simts1))
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1          ar2          ar3
#> S1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#> S2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#> S3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#> S4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 

## equivalently, use a PAR(3,3,3,3) model for argument 'model'
## here the coefficients of pfm1 are ignored, since the estimation is linear.
pfm1 <- PeriodicArModel(matrix(1:12, nrow = 4), order = rep(3,4), sigma2 = 1)
#> An object of class "PeriodicArModel"
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     0 0 0 0 
#> SigmaSq:    1 1 1 1 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>    ar1 ar2 ar3
#> S1   1   5   9
#> S2   2   6  10
#> S3   3   7  11
#> S4   4   8  12
## these give same results as above
fitPM(pfm1, simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1          ar2          ar3
#> S1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#> S2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#> S3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#> S4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 
fitPM(pfm1, as.numeric(simts1))
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1          ar2          ar3
#> S1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#> S2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#> S3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#> S4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 

fitPM(c(1,1,1,1), simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.075896 0.978132 0.9917217 0.91232 
#> Periodic order:  AR(1,1,1,1) 
#>             ar1
#> S1  0.108486672
#> S2  0.001318166
#> S3 -0.041828251
#> S4  0.036776157
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 
fitPM(c(3,2,2,1), simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060947 0.9717132 0.9917187 0.91232 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,2,2,1) 
#>             ar1          ar2           ar3
#> S1  0.113395504 -0.122778518 -0.0004315542
#> S2 -0.006365449  0.084234949            NA
#> S3 -0.041825811 -0.001666751            NA
#> S4  0.036776157           NA            NA
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 
fitPM(c(3,2,2,2), simts1)
#> An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     -0.06076922 -0.002750496 -0.0114049 -0.05637432 
#> SigmaSq:    1.060891 0.9717132 0.9917187 0.9074826 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,2,2,2) 
#>             ar1          ar2         ar3
#> S1  0.113967280 -0.122469184 0.007590031
#> S2 -0.006365449  0.084234949          NA
#> S3 -0.041825811 -0.001666751          NA
#> S4  0.033877417 -0.070384980          NA
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       256 256 256 256 

#> [1] 3 2 2 2
#> [1] 1 2 2 3

x <- arima.sim(list(ar = 0.9), n = 960)
pcx <- pcts(x, nseasons = 4)
mx <- matrix(x, nrow = 4)

##pc.acf(mx, maxlag=10)
## TODO: avoid the warning when length ot the time series is not multiple
autocovariances(t(mx), maxlag = 6, nseasons = 4)
#> An object of class "Lagged2d"
#> Slot *data*: 
#>     Lag_0    Lag_1    Lag_2    Lag_3    Lag_4    Lag_5    Lag_6
#>  4.413696 3.698001 3.444325 3.083434 2.981296 2.740127 2.443547
#>  5.256342 4.480398 3.791234 3.376241 2.959491 2.945734 2.704898
#>  4.544553 4.226788 3.573730 2.787481 2.179323 1.972540 2.118425
#>  4.744290 4.149401 3.620436 3.039397 2.267672 1.595720 1.419777
#>  6.188442 4.913592 4.132992 3.413550 2.893992 1.944995 1.202820
#>  5.079685 5.095852 4.020852 3.462512 2.909262 2.517747 1.724930
#>  4.452634 4.097511 4.466851 3.581613 2.929054 2.568013 2.159905
#>  4.028403 3.766262 3.375314 3.895400 3.027806 2.462040 2.266185
#>  4.256483 3.789805 3.519559 3.181409 3.595804 2.723855 2.312791
#>  5.064014 4.082757 3.780803 3.857862 3.271179 3.849951 2.962659
#>  4.610889 4.241189 3.677709 3.378335 3.220566 2.679142 3.078473
#>  4.492845 4.083564 3.715123 3.132441 2.782178 2.780713 2.430421
#>  4.759835 4.221811 3.785254 3.334577 2.753388 2.379137 2.523684
#>  4.176337 3.914353 3.379820 3.318057 2.895464 2.089529 1.813878
#>  4.256341 3.795704 3.522276 3.120697 3.030260 2.548401 1.864357
#>  4.123065 3.730340 3.387307 3.057720 2.614952 2.406073 2.003338
#> An object of class "SampleAutocovariances"
#> , , Lag_0
#>  4.940244 4.425333 3.856613 3.312517
#>  4.425333 4.931782 4.153459 3.576585
#>  3.856613 4.153459 4.586589 4.037720
#>  3.312517 3.576585 4.037720 4.444731
#> , , Lag_1
#>  3.053109 3.270405 3.765441 4.205794
#>  2.830618 3.009076 3.520014 3.771935
#>  2.262606 2.432067 2.839903 3.242108
#>  1.928944 2.007498 2.285101 2.672126
#> , , Lag_2
#>  1.754047 1.767143 2.068452 2.409498
#>  1.430174 1.496301 1.828329 2.244051
#>  1.298815 1.204518 1.458011 1.818073
#>  1.238070 1.181317 1.385222 1.602964
#> , , Lag_3
#>  1.3489948 1.2683819 1.4101905 1.573585
#>  0.9844681 0.8640092 1.0299877 1.269531
#>  0.9647423 0.9969533 0.9680465 1.158972
#>  1.1158544 1.1012862 1.0621654 1.144140
#> , , Lag_4
#>  1.0681173 1.1595254 1.0799309 1.1913186
#>  0.8013338 0.9328923 0.7987529 0.8834352
#>  0.8382119 0.9644516 0.8820007 0.8776038
#>  0.9012098 1.0414786 1.0527977 0.9306610
#> , , Lag_5
#>  0.8764845 1.0569533 1.0166630 0.9120474
#>  0.8499661 1.0786949 0.8387545 0.7325839
#>  0.6867834 0.9726713 0.8366954 0.8057214
#>  0.8406734 1.0936087 0.8225248 0.8450239
#> , , Lag_6
#>  0.9444448 1.1035309 0.8113775 0.8291835
#>  1.1822682 1.2821839 1.0012574 0.8592283
#>  0.8407831 0.8361079 0.6282596 0.6109829
#>  0.8258035 0.7665833 0.6435341 0.6931841
#> , , Lag_7
#>  0.8689502 0.7994249 0.7699847 0.7690557
#>  1.0024370 0.9676477 0.9242707 0.9797624
#>  0.6284261 0.5784530 0.5320890 0.5642380
#>  0.5484201 0.5434399 0.4715212 0.5167750
#> , , Lag_8
#>  0.3468684 0.4347957 0.4606310 0.4804946
#>  0.6027137 0.5625705 0.6254156 0.6782344
#>  0.4822539 0.4593642 0.4413930 0.4271425
#>  0.4255004 0.4902419 0.4739370 0.3877285
#> , , Lag_9
#>  0.2562200 0.3388748 0.2662562 0.2117790
#>  0.3822483 0.4504162 0.3251202 0.3949501
#>  0.1804663 0.3399479 0.2212054 0.3085179
#>  0.1899286 0.3206453 0.1264308 0.1618857
#> , , Lag_10
#>   0.15180484 0.1875179 -0.03011971 -0.01144414
#>   0.05629723 0.1683812 -0.02502021  0.03307518
#>  -0.08409547 0.1247324 -0.20909008 -0.16511840
#>  -0.07978351 0.1421987 -0.13790670 -0.11767234
#> , , Lag_11
#>  -0.11875727  0.136673414 -0.12715441 -0.1241331
#>  -0.13047205  0.071926993 -0.12785582 -0.1132037
#>  -0.08908832 -0.009374151 -0.14856401 -0.1563577
#>  -0.04172053  0.093328912  0.04497078 -0.1002592
#> , , Lag_12
#>  -0.0005362661  0.055885198 -0.06454129 -0.12617478
#>  -0.0837065154 -0.030487010 -0.12492654 -0.05076665
#>  -0.1603845066 -0.092526648 -0.18793024 -0.07192433
#>  -0.0329581327 -0.002391903 -0.07344575  0.04800647
#> , , Lag_13
#>  0.110795032 0.08497155 -0.10692939  0.039275700
#>  0.067135202 0.08472719 -0.08162884 -0.013675882
#>  0.003970013 0.07475564 -0.12919526 -0.199029101
#>  0.117818973 0.25836952  0.01765533  0.005315572
#> , , Lag_14
#>  0.2569690 0.4167017 0.1750001 0.099989082
#>  0.2811720 0.3627738 0.2535473 0.142481793
#>  0.2898364 0.3371195 0.1645728 0.008941963
#>  0.2990899 0.3708633 0.1952323 0.025439383
#> , , Lag_15
#>  0.3366081 0.3613924 0.3104424 0.1448003
#>  0.4606357 0.4791444 0.4525622 0.2297306
#>  0.3597465 0.3331262 0.3165522 0.1907237
#>  0.3781567 0.3046630 0.2260963 0.2302541
#> , , Lag_16
#>  0.3386886 0.2301517 0.1967166 0.2457013
#>  0.4153102 0.2978708 0.3316045 0.3155847
#>  0.3095268 0.2480752 0.2709355 0.3258925
#>  0.2947141 0.2232702 0.2175240 0.3021335
#> , , Lag_17
#>  0.3556765 0.2901412 0.2181435 0.3035475
#>  0.3473894 0.3594809 0.3021085 0.3914716
#>  0.3700382 0.4697207 0.3183025 0.4731177
#>  0.2458445 0.4474799 0.2438784 0.4462941
#> Slot n:
#> [1] 240
#> Slot varnames:
#> [1] "Series 1" "Series 2" "Series 3" "Series 4"
#> Slot objectname:  x

##It is an error to have more columns than rows.
## autocovariances(mx, maxlag = 6, nseasons = 4)
## autocovariances(mx)

num2pcpar(mx, c(1,1,1,1), period = 4)
#> $mean
#> [1] 0.2212892 0.2610529 0.2222639 0.1751942
#> $coef
#> An object of class "slMatrix"
#> Slot "m":
#>       lag
#> season 0          1
#>      1 1 -0.9462426
#>      2 1 -0.8957722
#>      3 1 -0.8421822
#>      4 1 -0.8803319
#> $scale
#> [1] 0.9800724 0.9837131 1.0433693 0.9435026
num2pcpar(mx, c(3,3,3,3), period = 4)
#> $mean
#> [1] 0.2212892 0.2610529 0.2222639 0.1751942
#> $coef
#> An object of class "slMatrix"
#> Slot "m":
#>       lag
#> season 0          1            2           3
#>      1 1 -0.9962631  0.009726434  0.05118143
#>      2 1 -0.9003005  0.144883523 -0.15588601
#>      3 1 -0.7223822 -0.177308198  0.05138492
#>      4 1 -0.9444632  0.052370207  0.01986882
#> $scale
#> [1] 0.9768186 0.9723284 1.0339197 0.9404123

sipfm1 <- new("SiPeriodicArModel", iorder = 1, siorder = 1, pcmodel = pfm1)
#> An object of class "SiPeriodicArModel"
#> iorder: 1, siorder: 1
#> PAR part of the model, An object of class "PeriodicArModel"
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     0 0 0 0 
#> SigmaSq:    1 1 1 1 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>    ar1 ar2 ar3
#> S1   1   5   9
#> S2   2   6  10
#> S3   3   7  11
#> S4   4   8  12
fitPM(sipfm1, mx)
#> An object of class "SiPeriodicArModel"
#> iorder: 1, siorder: 1
#> PAR part of the model, An object of class FittedPeriodicArModel 
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     0 0 0 0 
#> SigmaSq:    1.900178 2.014823 2.512701 1.919159 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>            ar1         ar2        ar3
#> S1  0.03633172  0.02831852 0.02492281
#> S2 -0.02263934 -0.21176922 0.09351833
#> S3 -0.17347841  0.01862405 0.13451737
#> S4  0.02770379  0.11071311 0.07843985
#> number of obs. for each season:
#>       238 238 238 238 
#> An object of class "PeriodicArModel"
#> Number of seasons:  4 
#> Mean:     0 0 0 0 
#> SigmaSq:    1 1 1 1 
#> Periodic order:  AR(3,3,3,3) 
#>    ar1 ar2 ar3
#> S1   1   5   9
#> S2   2   6  10
#> S3   3   7  11
#> S4   4   8  12

## experiments and testing
fit1    <- fitPM(c(3,3,3,3), simts1)
fit1_mf <- new("MultiFilter", coef = fit1@ar@coef)
vs      <- mcompanion::mf_VSform(fit1_mf, form = "I")
tmp <- mcompanion::VAR2pcfilter(vs$Phi[ , -4],
                                Phi0inv = vs$Phi0inv, D = fit1@sigma2, what = "")
names(tmp) #  "pcfilter" "var"      "Uform"   
#> [1] "pcfilter" "var"      "Uform"   
#> [1] 0.9074826 0.9903078 0.9714497 1.0608910
#>             [,1]        [,2]       [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> [1,]  0.11396728 -0.12246918 0.00759003    0    0    0
#> [2,] -0.00450794  0.08337720 0.01641127    0    0    0
#> [3,] -0.04491259 -0.00527692 0.03962269    0    0    0
#> [4,]  0.03387766 -0.07038516 0.00013228    0    0    0
#>       lag
#> season           1            2            3
#>      1  0.11396728 -0.122469184 0.0075900305
#>      2 -0.00450794  0.083377197 0.0164112748
#>      3 -0.04491259 -0.005276924 0.0396226884
#>      4  0.03387766 -0.070385164 0.0001322766
all.equal(tmp$pcfilter[ , 1:3], fit1@ar@coef, check.attributes = FALSE) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> $Sigma
#> [1] 1.0608910 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826
#> $U0
#>      [,1]        [,2]       [,3]          [,4]
#> [1,]    1 -0.03387766 0.07038516 -0.0001322766
#> [2,]    0  1.00000000 0.04491259  0.0052769241
#> [3,]    0  0.00000000 1.00000000  0.0045079396
#> [4,]    0  0.00000000 0.00000000  1.0000000000
#> $U
#>              [,1]          [,2]          [,3]
#> [1,] 1.224810e-18  7.453890e-20 -2.117582e-22
#> [2,] 3.962269e-02  0.000000e+00 -6.776264e-21
#> [3,] 8.337720e-02  1.641127e-02  0.000000e+00
#> [4,] 1.139673e-01 -1.224692e-01  7.590031e-03
#> $U0inv
#>      [,1]       [,2]        [,3]          [,4]
#> [1,]    1 0.03387766 -0.07190670  0.0002776578
#> [2,]    0 1.00000000 -0.04491259 -0.0050744608
#> [3,]    0 0.00000000  1.00000000 -0.0045079396
#> [4,]    0 0.00000000  0.00000000  1.0000000000
#> $perm
#> [1] 4 3 2 1
#> [1] 1.0608910 0.9714497 0.9903078 0.9074826

## both give the matrix Sigma for the "I" form
    vs$Phi0inv %*% diag(fit1@sigma2) %*% t(vs$Phi0inv)
    tmp$Uform$U0inv %*% diag(tmp$Uform$Sigma)  %*% t(tmp$Uform$U0inv)
) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

## no, this is a different matrix
var1_mat <- cbind(vs$Phi0, # identity matrix
                  - vs$Phi) # drop trailing zero columns?
var1_mat <- mcompanion::mCompanion(var1_mat)
var1_Sigma <- vs$Phi0inv %*% diag(fit1@sigma2) %*% t(vs$Phi0inv)
abs(eigen(diag(nrow(var1_mat)) - var1_mat)$values)
#> [1] 1.002444e+00 1.002444e+00 1.000000e+00 9.999852e-01 6.624797e-03
#> [6] 6.624797e-03 1.480313e-05 0.000000e+00