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Generate random samples from Kolmogorov distribution.

psi.rks(n, df, randgen = runif, cdf = punif, ...)



number of observations.


degrees of freedom of the Kolmogorov distribution


a function or a name of one that generates random numbers from the hypothesised distribution.


the cdf of the hypothesised distribution.


parameters to be passed down to randgen and cdf


Instances of the Ddf statistic are obtained by generating random samples of length df from the hypothesised distribution and computing Ddf on them.

In the case of a simple null hypothesis from a continuous distribution the distribution of the statistic does not depend on the underlying distribution. So, only the arguments n and df are really necessary for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Imaginative settings for this argument may be used to generate samples in the case of composite hypotheses.


a numeric vector representing a sample from the distribution of the Kolmogorov statistic for the specified distribution.

See also


x1 <- psi.rks(1000,10) hist(x1)
plot(ecdf(x1)) # simulation estimate of the dist of D_10
f1 <- function(x) psi.pks(x,10) curve(f1,0,1,col="blue",add=TRUE) # overlay the exact cdf