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Class 'fGARCH' represents models fitted to heteroskedastic time series, including ARCH, GARCH, APARCH, ARMA-GARCH and ARMA-APARCH models.

Objects from the Class

Objects from class "fGARCH" can be created by calls of the function garchFit.



Object of class "call", the call used to fit the model and create the object.


Object of class "formula", a formula object representing the mean and variance equations.


Object of class "character", a string denoting the optimization method, by default "Max Log-Likelihood Estimation".


Object of class "list", a list with one entry, x, containing the data of the time series to which the model is fitted.


Object of class "list", a list with the results from the parameter estimation. The entries of the list depend on the selected algorithm, see below.


Object of class "numeric", the raw, unstandardized residuals.


Object of class "numeric", the fitted values.


Object of class "numeric", the conditional variances (\(h_t = \sigma_t^\delta\)).


Object of class "numeric", the conditional standard deviations.


Object of class "character", a title string.


Object of class "character", a string with a brief description.


Besides the S4 methods described below, the are "fGARCH" methods (S3) for tsdiag (tsdiag), VaR (VaR), expected shortfall (ES), volatility (volatility), and maybe others.


signature(x = "fGARCH", y = "missing"): plots an object of class "fGARCH", see the help page of the method for details and options.


signature(object = "fGARCH"): prints the object.


signature(object = "fGARCH"): summarizes the object. The help page of the "fGARCH" method gives details on the output, as well as interpretation of the results.


signature(object = "fGARCH"): Computes forecasts of the mean and some measures of risk (such as volatility, value-at-risk and expected shortfall), see the method's help page for full details.


signature(object = "fGARCH"): extracts fitted values from the object (help page).


signature(object = "fGARCH"): returns residuals from the fitted model (help page).


signature(object = "fGARCH"): extracts the estimated coefficients (help page).


signature(x = "fGARCH"): extracts the formula expression, see the method's help page.


signature(object = "fGARCH"): ...


Diethelm Wuertz and Rmetrics Core Team


## simulate a time series, fit a GARCH(1,1) model, and show it:
x <- garchSim( garchSpec(), n = 500)
fit <- garchFit(~ garch(1, 1), data = x, trace = FALSE)
#>            mu         omega        alpha1         beta1 
#> -1.194161e-04  1.333768e-06  9.172218e-02  7.721106e-01 
#> Title:
#>  GARCH Modelling 
#> Call:
#>  garchFit(formula = ~garch(1, 1), data = x, trace = FALSE) 
#> Mean and Variance Equation:
#>  data ~ garch(1, 1)
#> <environment: 0x569a0ca3e748>
#>  [data = x]
#> Conditional Distribution:
#>  norm 
#> Coefficient(s):
#>          mu        omega       alpha1        beta1  
#> -1.1942e-04   1.3338e-06   9.1722e-02   7.7211e-01  
#> Std. Errors:
#>  based on Hessian 
#> Error Analysis:
#>          Estimate  Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> mu     -1.194e-04   1.333e-04   -0.896   0.3704    
#> omega   1.334e-06   8.414e-07    1.585   0.1129    
#> alpha1  9.172e-02   4.152e-02    2.209   0.0272 *  
#> beta1   7.721e-01   1.079e-01    7.155 8.35e-13 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Log Likelihood:
#>  2185.102    normalized:  4.370204 
#> Description:
#>  Tue Apr 30 14:51:44 2024 by user: georgi 
#> Standardised Residuals Tests:
#>                                  Statistic    p-Value
#>  Jarque-Bera Test   R    Chi^2   0.7057469 0.70266612
#>  Shapiro-Wilk Test  R    W       0.9979112 0.80185098
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R    Q(10)  18.0066406 0.05485173
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R    Q(15)  24.8843921 0.05151773
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R    Q(20)  26.4473832 0.15153936
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R^2  Q(10)  13.6251846 0.19078464
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R^2  Q(15)  15.4841586 0.41713680
#>  Ljung-Box Test     R^2  Q(20)  20.1909770 0.44604161
#>  LM Arch Test       R    TR^2   13.1132258 0.36086497
#> Information Criterion Statistics:
#>       AIC       BIC       SIC      HQIC 
#> -8.724407 -8.690690 -8.724534 -8.711177 
fit # == print(fit) and also == show(fit)
#> Title:
#>  GARCH Modelling 
#> Call:
#>  garchFit(formula = ~garch(1, 1), data = x, trace = FALSE) 
#> Mean and Variance Equation:
#>  data ~ garch(1, 1)
#> <environment: 0x569a0ca3e748>
#>  [data = x]
#> Conditional Distribution:
#>  norm 
#> Coefficient(s):
#>          mu        omega       alpha1        beta1  
#> -1.1942e-04   1.3338e-06   9.1722e-02   7.7211e-01  
#> Std. Errors:
#>  based on Hessian 
#> Error Analysis:
#>          Estimate  Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> mu     -1.194e-04   1.333e-04   -0.896   0.3704    
#> omega   1.334e-06   8.414e-07    1.585   0.1129    
#> alpha1  9.172e-02   4.152e-02    2.209   0.0272 *  
#> beta1   7.721e-01   1.079e-01    7.155 8.35e-13 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Log Likelihood:
#>  2185.102    normalized:  4.370204 
#> Description:
#>  Tue Apr 30 14:51:44 2024 by user: georgi 