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Model time series using mixture autoregressive (MAR) models. Implemented are frequentist (EM) and Bayesian methods for estimation, prediction and model evaluation. See Wong and Li (2002) <doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00222>, Boshnakov (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2009.04.009>), and the extensive references in the documentation.


Package mixAR provides functions for modelling with mixture autoregressive (MixAR) models. The S4 class "MixARGaussian" can be used when the error distributions of the components are standard Gaussian. The class "MixARgen" admits arbitrary (well, within reason) distributions for the error components. Both classes inherit from the virtual class "MixAR".

Estimation can be done with fit_mixAR. Currently, the EM algorithm is used for estimation.

For "MixARGaussian" the M-step of the EM algorithm reduces to a system of linear equations. For "MixARgen" the problem is substantially non-linear. The implementation is fairly general but currently not optimised for efficiency. The specification of the error distributions went through several stages and may still be reviewed. However, backward compatibility will be kept.


Georgi N. Boshnakov [aut, cre], Davide Ravagli [aut]

Maintainer: Georgi N. Boshnakov <>













See also

fit several types of mixAR models: fit_mixAR, bayes_mixAR, fit_mixARreg, mixSARfit;

Predictive distributions and summaries: mix_pdf, mix_cdf, mix_qf, mix_location, mix_variance, mix_central_moment, mix_moment, mix_kurtosis, mix_ekurtosis

multi-step prediction: multiStep_dist


## object 'exampleModels' contains a number of models for examples and testing
#>  [1] "WL_ibm"     "WL_A"       "WL_B"       "WL_I"       "WL_II"     
#>  [6] "WL_ibm_gen" "WL_ibm_t3v" "WL_ibm_tf"  "WL_At"      "WL_Bt_1"   
#> [11] "WL_Bt_2"    "WL_Bt_3"    "WL_Ct_1"    "WL_Ct_2"    "WL_Ct_3"   
#> An object of class "MixARGaussian"
#> Number of components: 3 
#>        prob   shift scale   order ar_1   ar_2   
#> Comp_1 0.5439   0    4.8227   2   0.6792  0.3208
#> Comp_2 0.4176   0    6.0082   2   1.6711 -0.6711
#> Comp_3 0.0385   0   18.1716   1   1.0000        
#> Distributions of the error components:
#> 	standard Gaussian

## some of the models below are available in object 'exampleModels';
## the examples here show how to create them from scratch
mo_WLprob <- c(0.5439, 0.4176, 0.0385)              # model coefficients from Wong&Li
mo_WLsigma <- c(4.8227, 6.0082, 18.1716)
mo_WLar <- list(c(0.6792, 0.3208), c(1.6711, -0.6711), 1)

mo_WL <- new("MixARGaussian", prob = mo_WLprob, scale = mo_WLsigma, arcoef = mo_WLar)
mo_WL_A <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model A
              , prob = c(0.5, 0.5)
              , scale = c(5, 1)
              , shift = c(0, 0)
              , arcoef = list(c(0.5), c(1.1))

mo_WL_B <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model B
              , prob = c(0.75, 0.25)
              , scale = c(5, 1)
              , shift = c(0, 0)
              , arcoef = list(c(0.5), c(1.4))
mo_WL_I <- new("MixARGaussian"                          # WongLi, model I
              , prob = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
              , scale = c(1, 1, 5)
              , shift = c(0, 0, -5)
              , arcoef = list(c(0.9, -0.6), c(-0.5), c(1.50, -0.74, 0.12))

mo_WL_II <- new("MixARGaussian"                         # WongLi, model II
               , prob = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3)
               , scale = c(1, 1, 5)
               , shift = c(5, 0, -5)
               , arcoef = list(c(0.9, -0.6), c(-0.7, 0), c( 0, 0.80))

## MixAR models with arbitrary dist. of the components
## (user interface not finalized)

## Gaussian
mo_WLgen <- new("MixARgen", prob = mo_WLprob, scale = mo_WLsigma, arcoef = mo_WLar,
               dist = list(dist_norm))

## t_3
mo_WLt3v <- new("MixARgen", prob = mo_WLprob, scale = mo_WLsigma, arcoef = mo_WLar,
               dist = list(fdist_stdt(3, fixed = FALSE)))

## t_20, t_30, t_40 (can be used to start estimation)
mo_WLtf <- new("MixARgen", prob = mo_WLprob, scale = mo_WLsigma, arcoef = mo_WLar,
              dist = list(generator =
                                  fn_stdt(par, fixed = FALSE), param = c(20, 30, 40)))

## data(ibmclose, package = "fma")  # for `ibmclose'

## The examples below are quick but some of them are marked as 'not run'
## to avoid cumulative time of more than 5s on CRAN.

## fit a MAR(2,2,1) model
a0a <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), c(2, 2, 1), crit = 1e-4)
## same with 2 sets of automatically generated initial values.
# \donttest{
a0b <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), c(2, 2, 1), 2, crit = 1e-4)
# }

## fix the shift parameters:
a1a <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), c(2, 2, 1), fix = "shift", crit = 1e-4)
## ... with 3 sets of automatically generated initial values.
# \donttest{
a1b <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), c(2, 2, 1), 3, fix = "shift", crit = 1e-4)
# }

# \donttest{
## specify the model using a MixAR model object
a1c <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), a1a$model, init = a0a$model, fix = "shift",
           crit = 1e-4)

## fit a model like mo_WL using as initial values 2 automatically generated sets.
a2 <- fit_mixAR(as.numeric(fma::ibmclose), mo_WL, 2, fix = "shift", permute = TRUE, 
          crit = 1e-4)
# }

moT_B3 <- new("MixARgen"
               , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
               , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
               , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
               , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t4, t10
               , dist = distlist("stdt", c(4,10), fixed = c(FALSE, TRUE), tr = c(1, 1, 2))

moT_C1 <- new("MixARgen"
              , prob = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
              , scale = c(2, 1, 0.5)
              , shift = c(5, -5, 0)
              , arcoef = list(c(0.5, 0.24), c(-0.9), c(1.5, -0.74, 0.12))
                                        # t4, t7, N(0,1)
              , dist = distlist(c("stdt", "stdt", "stdnorm"), c(4,7))

## demonstrate reuse of existing models
#> An object of class "MixARgen"
#> Number of components: 3 
#>        prob shift scale order ar_1 ar_2  ar_3
#> Comp_1 0.3    5   2.0     2    0.5  0.24     
#> Comp_2 0.3   -5   1.0     1   -0.9           
#> Comp_3 0.4    0   0.5     3    1.5 -0.74 0.12
#> Distributions of the error components:
#> 	Component 1: Student t with 4 df
#> 	Component 2: Student t with 6 df
#> 	Component 3: Student t with 10 df
moT_C2 <- new("MixARgen"
              , model = exampleModels$WL_Bt_1
              , dist = distlist(c("stdt", "stdt", "stdnorm"), c(4,7))  # t4, t7, N(0,1)
moT_C3 <- new("MixARGaussian", model = exampleModels$WL_Bt_1 )